Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tushar Ranjan: Cocktail Party .....

Tushar Ranjan: Cocktail Party .....: Throwing Cocktail Party “A common feature” ...

Cocktail Party .....

Throwing Cocktail Party “A common feature”
                                                                                                                                          Cocktail parties are a great way to entertain friends, family because they accommodate any kind of guest list, ranging from neighbors to business associates. Regardless of what kind of crowd you're entertaining, however, there are a few basic guidelines to throwing a fabulous cocktail party.
The timing when and where you are organizing and the most important things a cocktail party should not increase more than 3 hours, Stock up your ice cubes with a 3 + 3 snacks and remember good music is a must.  Guest arriving, music mesmerizing the evening with a drinks in the hand on a pool side is dream but today some of the major hotels in the city and bungalows gives us the opportunity to make this into reality over and above all these parties can only be blockbusters If the round of the cocktails and serving the drinks follow smoothly. Anyone can mix a drink for a friend or two and surely the host who enjoys an interesting drink will want to provide a personal touch for the guests?  How and the answers is the professional bartender’s but these bartender’s also  can be hit with the correct equipments like lemon squeezer, tongs, jugs, measures, mixing glasses ice crushers it’s just like send the army to war location without a Gun.
In India some of the major and most commonly cocktails drinks which rolls the party are -Bacardi, Bloody Mary, China Martini, Irish Whisky, Irish coffee, Margarita, Sex on the beach, Virgin Mary
These drinks are mix of alcohols, juices and sodas they do not cause or effect the body as much as of pure hard drinks but anything to a limits is acceptable to our mind and soul, considering the misery which it causes, the hangover has yielded disappointingly little to serious medical research, but the following remedies do have at least some scientific basis.
A bath is refreshing , Vitamin C helps the liver to detoxify, Jewish remedy – to combat dehydration, upset stomach, hunger drink chicken soup, Hair of the dog – this replaces lost blood sugar, but sets you on the way to another hangover…………