Monday, December 1, 2014

Why Emotion Drives Conversions!!!

Why Emotion Drives Conversions - 

As marketers, we often focus on supplying prospects with in-depth information about our products and services to allow them to make an informed decision.  Of course this usually contains a slight sales spin highlighting the benefits of our offerings so that an informed decision leads them to the right choice of picking our product.  But is this the right approach?
The Science
Neuroscientists have discovered that our brains are designed to follow our emotions as opposed to intellect, meaning it is in fact the emotional part of our brain which governs our decision making process.  The problem with this is that the limbic system, which creates emotion, has no capacity for language.  Therefore, as marketers, we should be focusing on generating the required response through means other than large amount of informative text – it’s not what the prospect reads, its the way it makes the prospect feel!!!